4 Reasons Your Child May Need to See a Psychologist

Not all children are outgoing, social butterflies. In fact, many kids are introverted, quiet and sensitive. And that's okay! It's perfectly normal for children to be introverts. However, there are times when a child's introversion may be a sign of something more. If you're concerned that your child may need to see a psychologist, below are four signs to look out for.

They stopped participating in activities they once loved 

Another sign that your child may need to see a psychologist is if they suddenly stop participating in activities they once loved. For example, suppose your child used to love going to soccer practice but now refuses to go. In that case, it may be because they are experiencing a mood disturbance such as depression or anxiety and don't want to do anything.

They seem angry all the time

It's normal for children to experience anger from time to time. However, if your child seems angry all the time, it may be worth talking to a psychologist. Anger is often a mask for underlying emotions such as sadness, anxiety or frustration. If your child is having trouble expressing their emotions in words, they may express them through anger instead.

Their grades have been slipping

If you notice that your child's grades have been slipping, it may be because they're struggling with something emotionally. When children are feeling down, anxious or depressed, it can be difficult for them to focus on schoolwork and other tasks. If you notice a sudden drop in grades, it may be worth talking to a psychologist about how your child is doing emotionally.

They seem withdrawn and isolated

Finally, if your child seems withdrawn and isolated from the world around them, it may be time to consult with a psychologist. If your child is dealing with anxiety or depression, they may feel like they can't relate to anyone else, and this may make them hide away in their bedroom to avoid seeing or speaking to others. This action can lead to further isolation and worsen their condition. 

These are just four of the signs that your child may need to see a psychologist. If you see any of these signs, don't hesitate to reach out for help. A member of staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have, and the sooner you get help for your child, the better their chance is of making a full recovery.
